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Business Update | December 2021

Blog • December 31st 2021
Two Scottish brow haired highland cow's, standing in a snow covered field.

Happy Christmas from all of us here at our base in Ripon. If you're using Farmison & Co produce over the festive period, it really does mean so much to myself, my team, and our farmers and suppliers that you'd make our produce a part of your celebrations.

Earlier in the week, as I went into the office, the sun was rising over the North York Moors but the vale between the Dales and the North York Moors were shrouded in mist. Ripon Cathedral shone gold for a moment, the windows catching the light. A joyous Christmas requires beautiful food and we have plenty of that on our doorsteps here in Yorkshire. Our little city's cathedral is within eyeshot of many of our suppliers and it's my belief that the landscapes surrounding Ripon amount to some of the finest livestock country to be found anywhere in the world. In fact, you can taste that.

I hope you will stay with us into the new year at the forefront of British food. We've had an exciting year: launching our new website, our saucepan ready range, and our investments into rare breed cattle herds. There's plenty more to look forward to. The past year's developments are just a glimpse of our capacity to build something better.

To welcome in the new year, we're launching our annual Great Winter Sale, with exclusive savings across our range, including 30% off our steaks. It's the ideal occasion to stock up with quality heritage breed meat and ensure your supply of better meat into the new year: simply click on the picture below.

Thank you to all those who took the time to write to me over the course of the year. You are more than welcome to write any thoughts or feedback to me via [email protected]. I always make time to read your comments.

Happy Christmas,

John Pallagi,

CEO & Founder