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how it works

start shopping

After you've placed orders with us that meet the minimum threshold requirement (eg. £75 within a 3 month period) you are entered into the scheme. You can see how much you need to spend to qualify for the next tier within your basket.


everytime you shop, you save

You will receive a discount every time you shop with us and have the also opportunity to increase your discount based on how much you spend. You can view your current membership within your Account section.


loyalty tiers

frequently asked questions

1. What is farmison rewards?

Farmison Rewards is our loyalty programme that rewards you with exclusive discounts on full-priced items based on your spending over a rolling three-month period.

2. How does the programme work?

The programme has three tiers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold - each offering increasing discounts on future orders. Your tier is determined by your total spend over the past three months, and you'll automatically receive benefits when you qualify.

3. How do I join farmison rewards?

You must be logged in to your account when placing your orders. If you don't have an account, you can simply register at checkout, or in the account section. If you meet the spending criteria for any tier, you'll automatically be enrolled and be eligible for discounts on your next order.

4. Is there a fee to join the loyalty programme?

No, there is no fee to join. Simply place orders to meet the criteria for your tier.

5. What are the tiers and their benefits?

Bronze: Spend £75 in a rolling three-month period to receive 5% off future orders.

Silver: Spend £150 in a rolling three-month period to receive 10% off future orders.

Gold: Spend £300 in a rolling three-month period to receive 15% off future orders.

Exclusive early access to new product launches & events.

Enjoy the occasional surprise of free products with your order

6. How is my tier calculated?

Your tier is based on your total spend over the previous three months. Cancelled orders are deducted from your spend total.

7. How often is my tier status updated?

Your tier status is updated automatically based on your rolling three-month spend.

8. Can I move between tiers?

Yes! You'll move up or down tiers depending on your total spend over the rolling three-month period.

9. How do I use my tier discount?

Your tier discount is automatically applied to your orders once you qualify for a tier if you are logged in.

11. Can I combine my loyalty discount with other promotions or offers?

Tier discounts cannot be combined with promotional offer codes and must be on full-priced items. Customers may choose to forgo their tier discount in favour of a promotional offer code during checkout.

12. How can I check my tier status?

You can check your current tier and spending progress in the Membership section of your account.

13. What happens if I cancel an order?

Cancelled orders will be deducted from your total spend, which may affect your tier status.

14. Do I need to place an order every three months to stay in the programme?

Your tier status depends on your total spend over a rolling three-month period. If your spend falls below £75, you'll no longer qualify for a tier. We'll contact you by email to let you know if your loyalty tier is going to expire.

15. I placed an order but my status hasn't been updated.

Tier calculations are run automatically on a nightly basis, and may not appear in your account until the next day. When this happens, you will see your tier discount apply automatically in the basket area for your future orders.

16. What if I have questions or issues with my tier status?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service team at [email protected]

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