Looking for some inspiration on how to serve your steak this
summer? Here's 5 simple serving suggestions that add an extra
element to your dish whilst letting the quality of the meat shine
through. Find your favourite steaks here.
Steak with miso & Soy
- 1 tbls. Miso paste
- 2 tbls. Balsamic
- 2 tbls. Honey
- 1 tbls. Light soy
- 2 tbls. Kecap Manis

- Whisk the ingredients together into a smooth sauce then brush
the steak pre cooking, grill the steak to your liking, then slice
thinly and serve with rice noodles, finely sliced ginger, spring
onions and slithers of red chili and drizzle the remaining sauce
over the steak.
Steak 'natural'
- Sea salt
- Black pepper
- Unsalted butter
- Unwaxed Lemon
- Parsley
- Shallot

To serve:
- Season the steak liberally with sea salt then grill to your
liking; finish with a generous knob of butter, sprinkling of
cracked black pepper, a squeeze of lemon and a petit salad of
parsley and finely chopped shallot.
Steak with ripe tomatoes & horseradish
- Sea salt
- Black pepper
- Vine ripe cherry tomatoes
- Spring onion finely sliced
- Loose yoghurt
- Horseradish cream
- Unwaxed Lemon
- Olive oil
- Sugar

To serve:
- Season the steak liberally with sea salt then grill to your
liking; for the salad simply cut the tomatoes in half and season
with salt and pepper, then add a splash of olive oil and a little
lemon juice and sliced spring onions.
- For the dressing stir a little creamed horseradish through the
yoghurt, finish with a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of sugar.
- Slice the steak against the grain and serve with the
Steak with blue cheese salad
- Sea salt
- Black pepper
- Roquefort or Gorgonzola cheese
- Mixed salad leaves
- Shallot finely diced
- Dijon mustard
- Sherry vinegar
- Cold pressed Rapeseed oil

To serve:
- Season the steak liberally with sea salt then grill to your
- For the dressing whisk together 1 tbls. vinegar with 3 tbls.
oil, a teaspoon of mustard, a splash of water, then fold through
the shallot.
- Slice the steak against the grain and serve with the salad
leaves dressed with the vinaigrette and nuggets of blue
Steak with a quick red wine sauce
Ingredients for the sauce:
- A few thyme leaves
- 2 tsp. red onion marmalade
- 2 tsp. red wine vinegar
- 250ml full bodied red wine
- 250ml rich beef stock
- 10 g cold, diced butter
- 1 tsp. corn flour mixed with a little cold water
Method for the sauce:
- Add vinegar, marmalade and boil together.
- Add the red wine and reduce to a syrup.
- Add the beef stock and simmer, reducing by half then thicken
slightly with a little cornflour.
- Slowly whisk the cold butter into the sauce until fully
Ingredients to serve:
- 4 banana shallots peeled and 2 king oyster mushrooms cut in
half wrapped in foil with a teaspoon of duck fat or oil and a pinch
of salt, then bake for 45 minutes @180°C.
- Bunch fresh watercress.

To serve:
- Season the steak liberally with sea salt then grill to your
- Remove shallot and mushroom from foil then sear over a high
heat to caramelise, serve with the sliced steak, red wine sauce and
a fresh peppery watercress salad.